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The Association Kinookus, together with the partners from Italy (Slow Food, historical cinema Boaro in the town of Ivrea, Cinema Vittoria in the town of Bra, Festival Cinemabiente and Municipality Cherasco) and France (Mobile Film Festival from Paris), obtained the funds from the European Commission’s pilot project “Cinemas as Innovation Hubs for Local Communities” under the programme Creative Europe MEDIA, namely for the project CINE - Cinema Communities for Innovation, Networks and Environment.
The main goal of the project is spreading of the film culture in places where there are no cinemas or they are facing closure, while at the same time fostering the cultural and social role of cinema and film in local communities. The programme will be focused on Slow Food topics on the relationship between food production and future of the planet.
– Kinookus recipe of combining the film screenings with lectures, discussions and tastings will be applied in a number of places in northern Italy, in France and on the Island of Brač – Ivo Kara-Pešić, project leader for Croatia, explained.
– We are delighted to be able to support the renovation and preservation of one beautiful summer open-air cinema in Sutivan – Ines Vasiljević, art director of Kinookus, pointed out.
– I came up with the idea of this cinema renovation when I was producing the film LikeMeBack, which was entirely shot on Brač. The open-air cinema in Sutivan hold one of the most important places in my cinematographic development, and finally I have a chance to give something back to it – added Vasiljević.
The Sutivan Municipality has also been included in the project, and the renovation and preservation of the open-air cinema is one of the priorities of its cultural programme.
- Summer Stage Kavanjin (Open-Air Cinema Sutivan) represents one of the milestones of development and maintenance of the cultural programme "Stivansko Lito" (“Stivan Summer”) that has been ongoing for more than twenty years. The cinema has also been home for film festivals ("Dalmatia Film Festival", "Music, Film, Food & Mingling"), numerous film screenings, mostly of European production and a number of documentary film evenings. The meetings of the film club have had a very good turnout thus inducing further investment into equipping this truly wonderful cinematographic nook. We are thrilled by the very fact that the renovation project was also recognized by the Association Kinookus, what greatly encouraged us to proceed with our further plans of reviving the cultural goods on the territory of the Municipality Sutivan – Valerio Radmilović, Deputy Municipal Mayor of the Municipality of Sutivan, told us.
The project CINE is going to last for two years and in Croatia it anticipates meetings and film laboratories involving young people, a film tour in six places on the Island of Brač, and digitalization of the summer open-air cinema in Sutivan.